Boris goes ahead with Zero Carbon Homes
The Major of London, Boris Johnson, has recently announced his intention to impliment the shelved Zero Carbon Homes Standard in London after David Cameron pulled out of the planned move which was due under Building Regulations after 2016.
Mr Johnson said he would use the London Plan, which delivers the spatial development strategy for the city, to ensure planning applications for new buildings including residential development meet the defined Zero Carbon Standard. He commented to the London Assessembly that “…We can continue through the London Plan to ensure that Zero Carbon Homes are delivered in London and we will issue further guidance in due course to provide industry with the certainty it needs……”
After the Treasurey announced the axing of both Allowable Solutions and plans to increase on-site standards, seen as integral to the new standard, the Zero Carbon Homes Standard set to for all new homes after 2016 was seen to be dead. The House Builders Federation was quick to welcome the government move at the time as it was felt costs would rise. The UK Green Building Council, as reported here, described the move as “arbitrary and regressive”.
JB Comments – Many across the construction industry have seen the government’s move to axe the Zero Carbon policy as a massive backward step and a big mistake from both Cameron and the Treasury. With added pressure from the upcoming COP 21 Paris meeting with regards Green House Gas Emissions targets, it would seem that London may well be leading the way where the rest of the UK may soon follow.
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