SBEM Calculations
Part L of the Building Regulation requires SBEM energy calculations for each building on a development before work can commence.
What is an SBEM?
An SBEM is a Simplified Building Energy Model. This allows assessors to compare the target emissions rate (TER) at the design stage with the building emissions rate (BER) at the build stage.
An SBEM calculation will follow the same process as a SAP calculation on a dwelling but for commercial properties. The amount of energy used (via heating, lighting and air conditioning and the amount of carbon that the building emits) is calculated and the building given a rating between 1 and 100. The most energy efficient building would have a rating closer to 100.
Who requires an SBEM?
Property owners who have a commercial property over 50m2 which is being bought, sold or rented then it requires an EPC. An EPC, in turn, requires an SBEM calculation.
When does an SBEM need to take place?
An SBEM firstly requires a design stage assessment. This is important to consider any issues that might arise prior to construction. Once this process has been carried out, providing the building is compliant with Part L building regulations, construction can begin.
Once the build stage is complete, an as-built SBEM is undertaken; this will include an air leakage test and will lead to the issuing of the EPC.
As Building Regulations get tighter, achieving a pass is getting more challenging. The Carbon Green team have broad experience in finding the solutions which fit your requirements.
What we can do to help….
We’ll advise you early in the process on the right balance of fabric efficiency, building services and when to introduce the right Low and Zero Carbon technologies in your project, reducing your risk of pointless overspend and delays in re –design.
If you’re unsure how to achieve your project goals, give the Carbon Green Team a call to discuss how we can help.
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